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Course - the next group - 2014. Autumn-Winter session. Please, fill the form.
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Rambler's Top100

In section "Advertisment board" of our web-site you can place the information on those objects of real estate which you wish to sell or buy.

The placed information will reach only the members of professional society of corporation NIMA - legally working on the market of real estate to intermediaries of bargains - at disposal of brokers. Therefore we ask to specify the contact phone, for that what the interested broker (or some brokers) could call you. The opportunity to agree or refuse services of the broker in turn is given to you. Certainly, you can choose the broker on our web site in sections Agents or Brokers. Nevertheless accommodation of the announcement will give you the big opportunity to receive service of that broker which already has client (the buyer or the seller) which fit to your object and your bargain will be concluded much faster than, for example, in a case if you agree with the broker which else it is necessary to search for the client for your object.

Certainly, you can always in sections Brokers or Agents of our web site receive the additional information on that broker or brokers which reply on your announcement.

We advise you to conclude the contract with that broker, whose services of the intermediary you will take advantage (the contract).

We ask to state responses (positive or negative) about work of our brokers and about quality of services in our web site`s section " the Guest book ". If you wish to give to the response the greater trust or to receive the answer specify adress or the phone.

We wish professional services and successful cooperation with the brokers of corporation NIMA`s professional society.

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PHONE: +371 29105545
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Rambler's Top100